Saturday, 10 May 2008

My first PartiCraft Cards

Ok, so its been about a week since I last posted... have been a really busy bee but still managed to make some cards, print out hundreds of leaflets and get my Hostess Kits ready. My training is now booked for 30th and I am now ready to rock and roll.... My new business cards even arrived today.

Its all very exciting now.... I have already given out one Hostess Kit and will be getting confirmed dates for another 2 parties tomorrow as well as a catalogue party which my loving sister will be holding for me.

Here is a picture of my favorite card that I have made so far... I will try and get a slideshow going of the others I have made. I have lots more ideas that I can't wait to try....

Sunday, 4 May 2008


Hello and welcome to my new blog!

I am being very brave and trying to become blog savvy so please bare with me as I set this blog up. I am very excited to have my own blog and just as excited about being part of PartiCraft. I still have loads to do to get me going and to get this site done so if you have any suggestions please let me know.
